
Gumtree is a vibrant community marketplace connecting buyers and sellers in the local community to buy, sell and find just about everything. There are more than 2.5 million listings across hundreds of categories, including Home & Garden, cars, clothing, jobs, business services and real estate. On average, more than 7 million Australians visit Gumtree each month (even Tony Abbot turned to Gumtree to buy a fridge!).

Gumtree Media offers a programmatic-first model designed to meet the needs of today’s advertisers and provides access to an active community who are ready to buy. It’s a data solution that combines rich first-party registration data with buying intent data to deliver highly qualified audience segments. By combining comprehensive data with leading ad technology, Gumtree media offers mass reach across multi-screens to deliver real results for advertisers.

Gavin Stewart - Marketing Director, Ashton Media About Gavin Stewart - Marketing Director, Ashton Media
Gavin Stewart is the Marketing Director and co-founder of Ashton Media, leaders in the creation, production and marketing of highly targeted, invitation-only, executive conferences. Gavin is an expert B2B marketer with over 13 years experience delivering event audiences. Specialties include: audience development, marketing strategy, email marketing, DM, SEO, SEM, analytics, social media, creative and sales.