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Demonstrating ROI: Acting on cross-functional CX insights

A VoC program must have a clear plan for how results will be used or the initiative will miss its mark. We encourage actionability both in terms of individual customer remediation and continuous improvement of systemic issues.

Closing the loop on dissatisfaction, problems or issues, and/or poor performance is really the reason we all conduct VoC programs in the first place. And guess what… your customers who are giving you feedback expect you to take action based on what they share. So, are you?

Join us for Ask the CX Expert as MaritzCX engages a panel of experts with vast experience in designing and managing many best-in-class, actionable programs for ANZ’s largest brands.


James Sowden, Customer Success Manager, MaritzCX

Adam Novak, Head of Customer Experience, nib

Gabrielle Dracopoulos, Vice President – Customer Advocacy, Citibank

Craig James, Associate Director, Customer Experience and Innovation, Optus